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Glitches and bugs are nothing new, certainly for live service video games like Pokemon GO. But the bigger the game, the bigger the reaction when things go wrong, and Niantic’s mobile smash hit is no exception.
The latest hiccups that players are coming across in the ever-popular AR mobile game are both character and Pokemon models not being the correct size, and not even being in the places they should be. The most comical of the lot when it comes to this glitch is huge feet almost taking over the full in-game screen.
These avatars are going out of control!
byu/RefreshOP inpokemongo
This image of the Godzilla-esque Pokemon Trailer feet from RefreshOP is making the rounds of Reddit as the prime example of when avatar models go wrong. Imagine taking these on in a battle – it would be the most confusing and awkward encounter to date…
Some Reddit users have found the funny side to these bugs, even if they are making progress difficult. User Aaegis39 replied to the image stating that the game “is not Pokemon anymore, it’s Attack on Titan!”, with another user suggesting that they must have “missed the announcement that avatars can Dynamax now”.
For what causes these glitches is currently unknown. However, with the game recently receiving the “Rediscover” update in which the Avatar creator was granted an overhaul, including various new styling options, something in this new code could be clashing. Interestingly, the above image of the error completely removes the shoes of an avatar, something that cannot be done by the user, so may point again to the new options wreaking havoc elsewhere.
As for when these issues will get patched out is completely up in the air. But, with Pokemon Go still getting Niantic’s attention for the most part, we expect it will be sooner rather than later. Hopefully it’ll die down soon enough so you can focus on Pokemon catching and not trying to avoid being stamped on by the largest feet to ever exist.
The post Pokemon Go’s latest bug brings hilariously large trainer feet to the game appeared first on ReadWrite.
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